Who Owns the Content? The Future of Medical Publishing.

Education is one of MedCrunch’s favorite topics. These are great times to talk about education. The internet and mobile devices have liberated knowledge and democratized its distribution. Up until now, medical knowledge was owned or distributed by several entities: the experts who produce it, the universities, the publishers and the various medical societies. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry also has a major stake at educating physicians. In most countries, the majority of CME education is sponsored by pharma with educational sessions serving to enhance the pharma-physician relationship. However, this landscape is about to change and this is good news for the customer – we think. Let’s examine some reasons why we think that the game of learning is changing. Just look at the publishing industry. These large brick and mortar companies are facing the same risks as the music industry back in the 1990′s. Books are becoming digital, someone will eventually figure out how to share them with others. The natural impulse in our opinion would be to make digital books inexpensive and very easy to download and share on social media; the reduced product margin could be compensated by an increase in copies sold. However, publishers seem to head the opposite […]

Rock Health – A Model for Funding Health 2.0 Ideas

Although happily being located in the heart of Europe, both Franz and I have spent a decent amount of the time in the US and it’s still great to see the innovation coming out of certain areas across the ocean. One of the recent additions on the venture capital, incubator and tech funding game has been Rock Health. A pleasent and transparent alternative to chunky venture capital firms or other institutional investors and a self-proclaimed “seed accelerator for health apps”. The Rock Health approach is clear and understandable for people who are not so fundraising-savvy. The program is dedicated to entrepreneurs who want to build applications or products that are dedicated to solving health-related issues. So if you are a young medical doctor, medical student or any other person who believes in technology and its capability to help improving health, then you should definitively have a look at what the fund offers. At a glance $20,000 startup grant to each team Support from the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation and Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Mentorship and workshops from experts in design, health policy, lean startup methodology, financing, and more Office space in Silicon Valley Office hours with startup counsel lawyer Michael Esquivel and legal […]

Test Drive xr.ay App for Teleradiology

Are you interested in mHealth? Do you own an iPad? If the answer is yes, you should test drive our new xr.ay App for teleradiology. How to Use the xr.ay App 1. Download xr.ay App from the App Storefrom the Apple App Store. Simply click here to be red…

Signal vs. Noise in Patient Care: Why Facebook & Co Won’t Replace Your Clinical Skills

There are two types of things that surround the doctor-patient encounter: there is signal and there is noise. By “signal” we refer to things like rapport, relationship, trust, communication, empathy and so forth. By “noise” we mean nuisances like: appointment scheduling, payment, insurance forms, telephone calls, prescriptions, referrals etc. During the signal part, the actual medical problem gets solved. The noise part is the bureaucracy, the necessary evil that comes with the encounter. If you are a startup that’s focusing on how to improve the doctor-patient encounter, a survey of 843 Americans conducted by the communications company Capstrad might be of special interest to you. When asked if they would take advantage of social media tools like Facebook or Twitter if their doctor offered them, only 11% answered yes. Similarly, only 20% would use chat or instant messaging and a mere 31% would use an online forum. On the other hand, 48% would use online bill payment tools, 50% would like to have online access to medical records and 56% would schedule their appointments on the web. As Karen Albritton, Capstrad’s president put it in a press release: It appears consumers are willing to move administrative experiences such as bill […]

xr.ay App auf dem iPad 2

Heute haben wir das xr.ay App für die Teleradiologie auf dem neuen iPad 2 getestet.Die Übertragung der Bilder ist deutlich schneller, da das dekomprimieren und entschlüsseln auf dem neuen A5 Prozessor beschleunigt wird. Die Multithread Architektur d…

OsiriX PRO 2.0 erhält FDA Clearance

Mit der neuen, zertifizierten OsiriX PRO Workstation mit 64-bit und CE-Label als Medizinprodukt der Klasse IIb unterstreicht die aycan Digitalsysteme GmbH erneut, ihre Kompetenz in Sachen digitaler Bildbe- und verarbeitung sowie Darstellung.Die Softwar…