Wahnsinnswoche 2021:22

In dieser Woche 148 Patientenkontakte und 17 Terminausfälle. Ich habe erst in 12-16 Wochen wieder freie Termine. Die Praxis ist nach wie vor völlig überfüllt und gleichzeitig ist die Zahl der Anfragen per Telefon, SMS, Fax und Mail exponentiell angestiegen. Es kann also sein, dass ich ein paar Tage brauche, um alles abzuarbeiten.

21 infectious diseases given stylish anime villain makeover by Taiwan CDC – Culture#anime #ID #mashup https://t.co/RlIeyXb6JD

— Matthew Oughton (@MatthewOughton) June 5, 2021

Virtuelle Ausstellung: The Art of the Brain.

Visit Venus: The planet’s history makes it an excellent place to study the greenhouse effect and to learn how to manage it on Earth.

Nasa has announced two missions to Venus by 2030.

1/ Entrepreneurs keep looking for ‘disruptive technology’ that will transform mental health care. They’re all chasing the same holy grail: a treatment that can *scale.*

Bottom line: Psychotherapy is a personal human relationship. It cannot scale.https://t.co/kecXwctb76

— Jonathan Shedler (@JonathanShedler) June 4, 2021

Anti-NMDAR encephalitis for psychiatrists: the essentials. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 June 2021

Fnord der Woche: Nobody expects a flying dildo.

What IS the Problem of Akrasia (the most literal translation would be “lack of self-mastery)? Medium.com 3.6.2021

LSD increases social adaptation but only if the opinions of others are similar to the individual’s own. These increases were associated with increased activity in the medial prefrontal cortex while participants received social feedback.

LSD-induced increases in social adaptation to opinions similar to one’s own are associated with stimulation of serotonin receptors. Sci Rep 10, 12181 (2020)

LSD reduced activity in brain areas important for self-processing, but also social cognition; second, that change in brain activity was linked to subjective experience; and third, that LSD decreased the efficiency of establishing joint attention.

Role of the 5-HT2A Receptor in Self- and Other-Initiated Social Interaction in Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-Induced States: A Pharmacological fMRI Study. Journal of Neuroscience 4 April 2018, 38 (14) 3603-3611

A novel, ultra-long-acting oral formulation of the antipsychotic risperidone (Risperdal) only needs to be taken once weekly and appears to be safe and effective, results of a new phase 2 study suggest.

Once-Weekly Oral Antipsychotic for Schizophrenia on the Horizon. Medscape Psychiatry June 03, 2021

Neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms of COVID-19 in the pandemic’s early phase are varied and common.

Neurology and neuropsychiatry of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the early literature reveals frequent CNS manifestations and key emerging narratives. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Published Online First: 03 June 2021

Advice evaluation and integration rely on dissociable neural mechanisms and significant differences exist depending upon the advisor’s reputation, which suggests different modes of processing advice depending upon the perceived competence of the advisor.

To you I am listening: Perceived competence of advisors influences judgment and decision-making via recruitment of the amygdala. Social Neuroscience Volume 8, 2013 – Issue 3

I never got to think through the logistics of these microchips’ manufacture and distribution. For instance: how to make millions or billions of them during a global semiconductor shortage; or how to manage inventory and associate each device with a database; or how to persuade major, publicly traded multinational corporations making medical supplies to expose themselves to existential corporate liability for injecting unapproved hardware into people.

Putting Microchips in Vaccines Is a Terrible Idea, When You Think About It. The Atlantic 3.6.2021

Soulfood: Camera – Kartoffelstampf

Die ganze Playlist: Soulfood@youtube