Going into research

I think I already mentioned it: I‘m going into research. Yeah, you didn’t misread, I‘ll do some research that‘ll conclude into a scientific result.
I am not talking about a doctorate, my curriculum wants me to go into research for four weeks (or even more if you like to spend your holiday in the lab). The […]

You know it’s New Year’s Eve when…

People throw stuff at you that goes with a big BANG.
People around you throw stuff that goes with a big BANG-BO-BA-BANG.
You spend more time on your way to all those parties than actually at the parties.
You meet more friends and acquaintances on your way than at said parties.
Your evening plans change constantly – you‘ll eventually […]

A step further

The preparations for my ERASMUS year get more and more tangible. (I already wrote about it, didn’t I?) About half a year ago I made the decision to study abroad for one year, Sweden was one of my options. Later on I was sure it‘ll be Sweden so I started my preparations. In order to […]

The bartender syndrome

Yesterday, the final party of the so called „Orientierungseinheit“ took place, two weeks of informations, events, meet and greet for the new freshmen. As usual, the students of the third semester (me included) host these two weeks and organize everything related. It was my task to design the corresponding brochure, to be a tutor for […]

Birthday special

Tomorrow, I will turn 22. Nothing spectacular. To „celebrate“, I‘ll stick to my to-do list. Mission accomplished, if three or more objects fulfilled:

starting the day with a big slice of self-made lemon cake
Having a huge bunch of the latest exotic type of ice cream at this new 50’s-Diner-Style ice cream parlour
learning to play „Hawaii Five-O“ […]

Musculus icannotrememberyourname

The upcoming semester starts on October 12th, only five days before my birthday. It will be tough. Very tough. Two weeks with the topic „Blood“, followed by seven (!) weeks immuology and afterwards five more weeks of sexuality and endocrinology (hormones). Actually, it’s the first time I ever learned something in advance (immunology), because I […]

Premonition 1:0 Me

Visiting Stockholm meant that I definitely had to check out the local Filippa K (read: „Ko“, as I just learned) stores. Actually, it was one of the first places we went to. I already mentioned the grey coat I saw there, the one that looked exactly like I always imagined it. The one that was […]

New experiences

Yesterday, I visited Stockholm. Only 24 hours, a mate, me and Sweden’s wonderful capital city. No time for a nap, no need for a hotel. We started out yesterday morning and arrived back in Berlin the morning after. I am still full of impressions and can’t even decide where to start: The lovely architecture of […]