ECR2 2013 Workstation Face-Off: Mission accomplished

This years Workstation Face-Off at ECR 2013 has been held in Vienna at March 8.
Two challenging cases demanded a high level of post processing skills from the presenters and the workstations.

Session Chairman Prof. Anno Graser and his Co-Chairmen Dres. D’Anastsi and Schwarz (all University Hospital Munich) introduced the cases to the audience and collected the results.

The cases reflected daily radiological challenges and are really related to practical clinical workflows.

Results Case 1 – Stenosis

Case 1 was a cardiac case involving CTA of the coronary arteries and functional MRI with rest and stress perfusion imaging. This case had to be performed in 6 minutes. All vendors were able to present the cases within the given timeframe. One challenge were the major stenosis of the RCA.

Results Case 2 – Volumetric time response

The second case has been an oncological patient with a metastasised malignant melanoma. Tasks included detection of lung nodules with CAD and segmentation of two lesions over time assessing volumetric and RECIST response. 
Vital Images, Terarecon and aycan were able to perform the case within the given time of 4 minutes. aycan finished it already after 3 minutes. Siemens and GE ran out of time. Vital Images and aycan were the only vendors who could show a comprehensive RECIST and volumetric report, while the others had the values scattered all over the software. aycan did not show a CAD lung nodule detection module.

It’s remarkable that except aycan all other vendors had preprocessed data of both cases. 

After the presentations the results were presented to the audience in a graphical way (see above). Case one showed the degree of stenosis of the LCX. Case two was presented by the volumetric progression over time. The results are in a close proximity and show the value of quantitive imaging (aycan’s results are yellow).

The Workstation Face-off is a very good presentation to present the capabilities of vendor software solutions. We think, that aycan OsiriX PRO was able to solve the challenging cases with easy workflows and to provide customized reporting support for the results. If you consider the price of the solution, compared to major vendors, the success at this years Workstation Face-Off is even much more impressive.

Credits go to the CMIV Lab at Linköping University for supporting us with the algorithms for the vascular part and Chimaera GmbH, Erlangen for the registration, segmentation and volumetric analysis. And of course to the OsiriX group.

If you you want to learn more how aycan OsiriX PRO can help you with Medical Image Postprocessing please contact us at

aycan @ ECR 2013

So much could change in Vienna …

Not even 2 weeks until ECR 2013  time to introduce some new features / products which will be shown there:

ECR 2013 logo and aycan booth #621New features of aycan OsiriX PRO:
» Workflow improvements:
 save measurements and post-processing results to PACS automatically
 bookmark measurements for faster access
 faster window tiling with toolbar icon
 display only images of one patient (configurable)
» 3D CPR:
 enlarge orthograde views
 import/export of centerlines
» aycan mobile plug-in
 improvement of download status
 send case direct to a buddy
 automatic delete after smart push
» ISLink plug-in: added support for iSoft RIS 
» French GUI and manual
New products:

» aycan OsiriX PRO:
– ayReport plug-in for automatic transmission of measurements
   to customizable reports

– FusionSync plug-in for multi-modal image fusion and
   automatic registration 
» aycan store:
– aycan web HTML5 DICOM Viewer

PD Dr. A. Graser, Munich

See how aycan OsiriX PRO performs in a simulated clinical scenario against other vendors.

6th Post-processing Face-Off with OsiriX PRO - Friday, March 8, 8:30 – 10:00, Room B This year, one of the cases is a cardiac case involving CTA of the coronary arteries and functional MRI with rest and stress perfusion imaging.

The second case will be an
oncology patient with a metastasised malignant melanoma. Tasks will include detection of lung nodules with CAD and segmentation of lesions   over time assessing response. 

We cordially invite you to attend this exciting ‘tournament’ of post-processing.

Please visit us on our booth #621 (Gallery, First Level) for more information.

aycan mobile und die FDA

FDA Unterlagen für aycan mobile

Ende 2009 kochte die Gerüchteküche bezüglich eines neuen Gerätes von Apple über.
Als ich im November 2009 von einem hochrangigen Repräsentanten des Herstellers angesprochen wurde, was aycan im nächsten Jahr vor hat, zeichnete sich ab, dass die Gerüchte stimmen.

Apple war auf der Suche nach einer Teleradiologie App für iOS. Auf meine Entgegnung, dass das Display des iPhone weniger für Teleradiologie geeignet ist, bekam ich zur Antwort: “I hear, what you hear and I read, what you read.” Wir sprachen über die Features, die diese Anwendung haben sollte (schnelle, sicher Übertragung der Bilder ohne komplizierte VPN Einrichtungen auch in 3G, Thick Client Viewer, Spracherkennung).

Als weiteren Punkt, wurde noch die notwendige FDA Clearance für den US amerikanischen Markt angesprochen. Da es noch kein sog. predicate Device gab, stellte sich diese Angelegenheit als nur schwer lösbar dar.

Wir begannen mit der Entwicklung, die aber im März 2010 durch die Schlagzeile “The iPhone medical app denied 510(k)” gebremst wurde. Die FDA war nach fast zweijähriger Prüfung der Meinung, dass für Mobile MIM (ein App für die Darstellung von DICOM Bildern) eine 510(k) Clearance nicht ausreicht. Die FDA betrachtete diese Art von App als Medizinprodukt der Klasse III und wollte eine sog. PMA (premarket approval) vom Hersteller sehen. 

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sah es so aus, als ob die FDA (Food and Drug Administration) mobile medizinische Apps verhindern wollte.

Im Mai 2010 kam dann das iPad auf den Markt und übertraf alle Erwartungen, auch im Bereich der Radiologie.

Kurz vor dem Release als Medizinprodukt mit CE Label von aycan mobile im Februar 2011 erhielt Mobile MIM überraschenderweise die FDA Clearance. 

FDA Clearance für aycan mobile

Wir dachten, dass dies nun mit einem predicate Device sehr viel einfacher gehen würde und reichten am 31.8.2011 die Unterlagen (siehe Bild) bei der FDA ein. Der Vorgang sollte nicht wie erwartet in 90 Tagen über die Bühne gehen, sondern vielmehr 378 Tage und endlose Emails und Telefonate mit der US Behörde benötigen. Am 12.9.2012 erreichte uns endlich das Fax mit der Zulassung. 

Mit dem CE Label und der FDA Clearance bieten wir den Anwendern von mobilen Apps in der Diagnostik Rechtssicherheit in der Anwendung. 

Und ausserdem sind wir richtig stolz auf diesen Erfolg. Neben Mobile MIM und ResolutionMD ist aycan mobile die dritte App für die Diagnostik mit FDA Zulassung als Medizinprodukt.

aycan mobile in Apples App Store

aycan’s iPad app for Teleradiology, aycan mobile, receives FDA 510(k) clearance – secure solution supports growing mobile trend

Rochester, N.Y., September 17, 2012. aycan Medical Systems, a recognized worldwide leader in medical imaging, announced today it has received FDA 510(k) clearance for aycan mobile, an iPad app for Teleradiology.

Designed to quickly, easily, and securely transfer DICOM images from hospitals and imaging centers to on-call and other radiologists and referring physicians with an iPad, aycan mobile’s simple interface and robust feature set make it the ideal tool for remote review, interpretation, and diagnosis of radiological images; reviewing images at patient bedsides; teleconsulting with colleagues; distributing images in house and much more.  Together with aycan OsiriX PRO, a cost-efficient post processing workstation, aycan mobile improves workflow with key features including lossless JPEG2000 compression, automatic 256-bit AES encryption, and multiple series comparison and synchronization. aycan mobile has both FDA 510(k) clearance and European CE-Marking.

“This solution supports the growing demand for remote and portable access to medical images while lowering costs,” said Frank Burkhardt, aycan Director, North & Latin American Operations. “aycan mobile allows radiologists to work remotely more easily and to better communicate/ collaborate with referring physicians and other medical personnel helping to improve patient access to services, especially in rural areas.”

aycan OsiriX PRO, a required system component, is an FDA and CE-certified cost-effective highly functional 64-bit workstation for conventional, multi-slice and other image reading. 

Intended use
The aycan mobile software program is used to display medical images for diagnosis from CT and MRI modalities only. aycan mobile provides wireless and portable access to medical images. This device is not intended to replace full workstations and should be used only when there is no access to a workstation. This device is not to be used for mammography.

HIS RIS Connectivity with aycan OsiriX PRO

aycan OsiriX PRO, the popular DICOM Workstation for reading and postprocessing operates jointly with it’s DICOM interface and is supports also connectivity to RIS / HIS of different vendors.Uptodate we have implemented connectivity to the following ven…

The PACS architecture of the future – available today published an interesting article this week. Jim Philbin, former senior director of medical imaging informatics at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, describes the deconstruction of PACS architectures.

Monolitic PACS will be separated in three modules: 
  1. Storage of DICOM Images (VNA)
  2. Workflowmanagement
  3. Display of image information
This architecture is able to react more flexible on requirement changes in Medical Imaging, compared to client/server PACS of a single vendor.

The most interesting part about this is, that aycan is continuously following this product strategy since 2003. aycan store and it’s modules are offering a vendor neutral archive (VNA) with complete workflow support. aycan OsiriX PRO is a vendor neutral, multimodal review an post processing workstation with plugins for workflow and clinical applications.

Again, aycan shows it’s talent to forecast trends in medical imaging IT and bringing it to series maturity, while other PACS vendors still sell their systems from the last millennium.

Freely adapted from Wayne Gretzky (superstar in the modern history of the NHL):
„A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.“

Are you interested in a great, modern, flexible PACS from the future? Contact us. We will help you to switch PACS.


The Change of PACS Systems

Because PACS System contracts slowly bend to its end, many customers are in search of an alternative system. Unfortunately, this search is everything but easy. PACS Providers often use its own methods to save data in their archives. This often leads to problems during data transmissions between the old and new system. Hence, it’s no miracle that some customers are afraid of changing their PACS. As a result of it, small companies who specialized in data cleaning and standardization of private DICOM tags, etc. were developed. These companies then migrate the DICOM from one vendor to another.

Due to the fact that DICOM part 10 requires to save data in a vendor-neutral format, DICOM has developed as a standard. This should ensure that data can be simply and without any problems integrated in every other PACS.
As a result the concept of a vendor-neutral-archive (VNA) has evolved, which essentially is an archive of DICOM data with standard tags and no proprietary compressions. Therefore expensive data migrations at the end of a contract can be avoided, because the customers of a VNA, who have saved their data as a backup in the DICOM format, can simply transfer their data from the old PACS into the new one.
The today’s PACS are kind of a repository of countless radiology images. They save and show pictures of several radiology modalities of different vendors. In parallel, another concept was developed which summarizes medical pictures and documents of several departments beyond the Radiology into an enterprise-covering archive, which is also called VNA. 

So that each of such archives is working, there are three fundamental requirements:

  1. It must be possible to receive images and documents from different vendors.
  2. It must be possible to save data in different formats (not only DICOM).
  3. It must be possible to indicate pictures and documents of vendor-neutral systems.

aycan store was developed in 2003 as a vendor-neutral PACS archive to fulfill all of this requirements. It provides uncompromising DICOM compatibility as well as a seamlessly integration in any current RIS or HIS system. In addition, aycan store can be used as modality-storage, departments archive or as clinic-wide archive and thus versatile in its usage. 
VNA is a concept which develops steadily. From the data property DICOM of the customers, to an enterprise archive which contains different data formats of different sources. Therefore vendor-neutral-archives have the potential to change the IT in the healthcare worldwide.
